Divisible Mar 26, 2011 I just published my first ruby gem on rubygems.org. It is a simple gem that is useful in case you need to find out if one number is divisible by another. Usage 9.divisible_by(3) # => true 10.divisible_by(3) # => false 12.divisible_by(3) # => true 12.divisible_by(4) # => true 15.divisible_by(4) # => false Same can be done with Divisible.check(9, 3) # => true Divisible.check(10, 3) # => false Divisible.check(12, 3) # => true Divisible.check(12, 4) # => true Divisible.check(15, 4) # => false Installation gem install divisible For more info go to https://github.com/vlado/divisible